>Daniel's Homepage


My posts about programming and things.
Date format is day/month/year because I'm sane.

Got some things


I've purchased a few cool things lately:

I finally got a thinkpad x200! A friend found the listing on ebay - it was a reasonable price compared to everything else available. 4GB ram, no damage, some scratches on the lid. I am yet to libreboot it, but that is the plan. There will be a post on doing that at some point.

I have purchased a new SSD for my desktop, so this x200 will eventually get the SSD that was in that. Or I will just buy a cheap one. Honestly, the HDD is fast enough for me.

I also got some figures, wall scrolls and a boxset. The pictures are shit and don't represent real colors and detail... The yagate scroll is shit in real life, though.

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