x86 Assembly
A little while ago I temporarily became interested in 8085 assembly and wrote a few little exercises and quickly lost interest. However, the basics were retained and I was highly interested in some day coming back to it.
Over the last few days I have been looking at x86 assembly (Intel syntax, NASM assembler) and have followed various tutorials and videos furthering my existing, yet basic knowledge. At this point I felt I was comfortable enough to attempt a small and simple exercise, I chose to generate Fibonacci numbers.
First, I wrote the program in C to understand the required logic flow.
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i, tmp; int first = 0; int second = 1; printf("%d\n%d\n", first, second); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { tmp = second; second += first; first = tmp; printf("%d\n", second); } return 0; }Using the C version, I translated the program into x86 assembly:
%include 'functions.asm' SECTION .data MAX db 8 ; 10 - 2 (we print those outside the loop) SECTION .text global _start _start: ; eax -> first ; ebx -> second ; ecx -> counter ; edx -> tmp ; MAX -> maximum iterations mov eax, 0 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, 0 mov edx, 0 ; print the first iteration of values (0, 1) call printintlf push eax ; store eax on the stack mov eax, ebx ; printintlf requires the int in eax call printintlf pop eax ; restore eax loop: inc ecx mov edx, ebx ; store second as tmp data add ebx, eax ; add first to second mov eax, edx ; set first as what second was (tmp variable) push eax ; store eax on the stack mov eax, ebx ; printintlf requires the int in eax call printintlf pop eax ; restore eax cmp ecx, [MAX] ; check if our counter has reached MAX, if it hasn't loop jne loop call exit'functions.asm' is a file containing some standard functions for string/int printing, exiting etc. I wrote the functions following the tutorials at asmtutor.com. You can find the file here if you care to see it.
I hope to spend considerably longer learning and writing programs this time.